A couple of months ago, my dear friend, Kim, asked me if I would take her engagement photos. I've known Kim for years, when we met through a mutual friend. We were home schooled together, taking classes like LFG, choir, and Co-op. We even went to EFY together. There, we would skip classes with my sister, Rachel, and my friend, Erica. Kim would hide in a garbage can, and the rest of us would watch and laugh as Kim would jump out and scare kids who were passing by. At the OK Go concert we went to together last December, Kim bought one of OK Go's vinyl records, simply because it was awesome, and not so much because she could listen to it. This girl has always had fantastic style. Not style that you see everyday, but fantastic. She met Dustin a year or two back, and they've fallen in love since. They've recently started their own business in Salt Lake City, selling Indian food from their tiny food stand on the sidewalk. Did I mention that Kim cooks amaaaazing Indian food? Dustin is in the Military, and he's home for the next year and a half. They are to be married tomorrow! I'm so excited for this lady and her man! Enjoy the pictures!